Solvium Holding AG

  • We are experienced experts in investments in the growth market of mobile logistics equipment
  • We provide everything from a single source: special funds – asset management – data security (IT)
  • We design and manage special investments with an attractive return and limited risk
  • We are a successful manager of portfolios of shipping containers (Asia)  and swap bodies (Europe)
  • Our IT gives us maximum data security for managing the assets and funds
  • Transparency, reliability, solidity and partnership are hugely important to us


Chairman of the Management Board

Olaf Will, born in 1965, is the majority shareholder of Solvium Holding AG and has an outstanding national and international network, many years of experience as a company director and extensive problem-solving skills.

Olaf Will draws on his education, various roles in management consulting, including positions as a structuring and restructuring manager, and more than 25 years of experience in the logistics industry to lead the Management Board and steer the strategic development and advancement of the Solvium Group.


Chief Operating Officer & Co-CFO

Christian Petersen, born in 1981, was the managing director of funds and investor management of a shipping container issuing house for many years. Mr Petersen has around 20 years of experience from various positions in financial services.

Through his previous roles, he has gained extensive knowledge of funds and shipping container management, process optimisation and the implementation of IT projects.

Mr Petersen is responsible for commercial and organisational management in Germany as well as our IT infrastructure.


Chief Strategy Officer & CO-CFO

Marc Schumann, born in 1975, worked several years at a major international bank as a specialist in shipping container financing and in this role he was responsible for various shipping container investment houses and international container lessors. Mr Schumann was subsequently employed by one of the world’s largest container lessors, most recently as Head of Finance.

In his previous positions, he was able to build up strong relationships with national and international companies that manage and trade in shipping containers. Among other things, Mr Schumann was also a lecturer at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and regularly gave lectures on the shipping container leasing business.

Mr Schumann is responsible for the further development of our group strategy as well as managing our asset managers in conjunction with the asset strategy of our investment business.


Chief Sales & Communications Officer

André Wreth, born in 1976, brings many years of management and practical experience in financial services to the company, in addition to his career as an officer, an MBA degree and various financial advisor qualifications.

He has been with the Solvium Group since 2012 and has managed Solvium Capital GmbH together with Marc Schumann since 2013. During this time, he has been responsible for milestones in the company’s development, including the conception of the first asset investments in accordance with the German Small Investor Protection Act starting in 2015, the structuring of the first Solvium AIF since 2020 and the first institutional investments, such as a SICAV structure in 2021.

As a member of the Management Board of Solvium Holding AG, Mr Wreth is responsible for sales, marketing and conception. He also manages Solvium Capital Vertriebs GmbH together with Jürgen Kestler.

Our investment and management focus at Solvium Holding AG is mobile logistics equipment. With this in mind, we have bundled our core capabilities, based on the three pillars of investors and investment (funds), asset management (shipping containers, swap bodies) and data security (IT expertise). In this way, we cover the entire value chain under one roof. By designing and managing bespoke special funds (alternative investment funds, AIFs), we unite our investors, who finance the assets via our funds, with the operating asset managers, who manage these underlying logistics assets directly, for shared commercial success. This combination of investments and operating management reduces risks and delivers mutual benefits. That is how we aim to keep on growing in a partnership-based way.

We are the ideal partner for institutional investors and operations managers

We design and manage our special funds (alternative investment funds, AIFs), with portfolios comprising shipping containers and swap bodies on long-term lease, specifically for business-minded investors in Germany. They are attractive to private investors, whom we support via our subsidiaries Solvium Verwaltungs GmbH and Solvium Capital Vertriebs GmbH, both based in Hamburg, and professional institutional investors alike. As an established, transparent asset class under regulatory supervision, our AIFs are ideal and highly profitable investments for asset managers, family offices, insurance firms, banks and pension funds based in Germany.

Standard shipping containers, tank containers and swap bodies are the core of our investment portfolio and our internationally active operating asset management. Our subsidiary Noble Container Leasing Ltd., Hong Kong, is a well-connected and established specialist in the Asian container shipping market for maritime and land transportation. Our subsidiary Axis Intermodal Deutschland GmbH, Cologne, is a leading manager of fleets of swap bodies in Europe. These are used in truck and rail transportation. We engage in trust-based partnerships with other independent asset managers. At Solvium Holding, we are also geared towards getting new operating asset managers on board in the context of our growth strategy. Regional additions and well-established, complementary logistics equipment assets can be attractive to us and our investors.

Logistics makes the world go round!

We unite special-fund investors with logistics operations managers.

Our business model: well managed with an attractive return and limited risk

The global market for logistics equipment is growing, and we aim to use the available opportunities and potential in tandem with our investors and operating logistics partners. This means that we aim to achieve high returns and income via new logistics equipment assets and new special funds to finance them. Our consistently successful business, established over ten years ago, is scalable. As a result, we are open to new private and institutional investors as well as additional operating asset managers.

Our business model is clear and transparent. The invention of the standard shipping container by the American Malcolm McLean in 1956 revolutionised trade. Ever since, the shipping container has been essential to modern multimodal operations and the boom in global trade. That’s why it is the core of all our activities. These days, global goods transportation is inconceivable without standardised shipping containers and swap bodies, their little sibling designed specially for rail and road transportation in Europe. Logistics has always been, and will continue to be, a global growth market. Shipping containers and swap bodies are the key to this. They are standardised and simple, yet complex. They have several lives: firstly, they are leased for five to ten years from new. Next, they are switched to shorter-term leasing contracts, before finally being used as stationary boxes for storage or offices, for instance. The shipping container has an economic value in each of these three phases, particularly the first phase.

The company Solvium Holding AG is an SME that was established in the port city and logistics hub of Hamburg in 2011 as an independent holding company for logistics equipment activities. We firmly believe that, as has been the case in shipping for thousands of years, all it takes is an accomplished crew in which everyone does their job and applies their strengths, can stick to the charted course in all weathers and gets the cargo to its destination as planned. No-one can do this alone. This was our guiding principle when establishing Solvium Holding.

Right from the start, therefore, our vision has been to fashion a reliable, robust yet streamlined and highly motivated entity that can benefit from the available growth opportunities in logistics through its direct control of operating assets and processes combined with transparency and data security. In everything we do, we aim to minimise risks, take opportunities, grow profitably and generate high returns for our key stakeholders, investors and operating logistics partners – with the entire crew! We unite the interested parties.

Here at Solvium Holding AG, we bundle these capabilities. This sets us apart from other players in the market, and forms the basis for our outstanding track record. We have a flawless track record with a 100% compliance rate. Our success is documented and certified.

Get in touch with us easily, directly and confidentially.​​​



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