Solvium Holding AG
ABC-Str. 21
20354 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 / 527 34 79 75
Fax: +49 40 / 527 34 79 22
Management Board: Olaf Will
Chair of the Supervisory Board: Volkhard Neumann
Company registry entry: Hamburg Local Court, HRB 107301
VAT ID nor.: DE340644017
Distributing the information on this website regarding the range of investment products is not permitted in many countries unless a notice has previously been filed with the administrative authority responsible and/or permission has been granted to distribute the information. If no notice has been filed or permission granted, the information on this website is not intended for investors residing outside Germany. In particular, SOLVIUM products are not intended for investors in the USA.
Important information: In countries other than Germany the website based publication of information about certain investment opportunities may be subject to a prior notice or approval procedure with the relevant governmental supervisory authority in such countries. SOLVIUM does not intend to make public or private offers of securities in any country (including Germany) via its website. Accordingly, the information provided by this website does not constitute an offer to buy any security in any country. In particular, this website does not contain any offers of securities directed towards investors who reside in the United States of America.
SOLVIUM’s websites are created for the purpose of general corporate communication and so do not constitute investment advice or brokerage. SOLVIUM does not enter into any contractual or quasi contractual relationship by providing information on the website or accessing this information. SOLVIUM’s websites are not an offer of sale nor are they an invitation to make an offer for the investment products initiated or offered by SOLVIUM.
None of the information on returns, yields or payments, issues relevant to tax law or investment, returns and profitability calculations is assured by SOLVIUM. In all cases, these are merely forecasts and/or sample calculations.
The investment products initiated by SOLVIUM can achieve above-average returns but these also entail higher potential risk accordingly. For this reason, the investment products are directed exclusively at experienced investors who can assess the risk-opportunity profile of these investment products and who can bear these risks. Future economic, legal and tax conditions also influence the performance and income of an investment product. This can have a positive impact on the investment product’s income but may also have a negative impact, even extending to total loss. SOLVIUM does not guarantee or accept any other liability for the expected financial performance or taxable income of an investment product.
Any statements made by SOLVIUM on performance are to be viewed as past data. They cannot be used to draw conclusions about future performance. Any forward-looking statements made about future developments are based on current management estimates. These forward-looking statements are identified by words such as “anticipate,” “assume”, “believe”, “expect,” “intend”, “can/could”, “plan”, “project”, “should” and similar terms. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties. Examples of these include economic performance on national and international markets such as Germany, Europe, North America and Asia, changes on capital markets as a whole (including exchange rates and interest rates) and tax and legal conditions in these markets/regions. Other factors for forecast development/performance include the market for direct investments and the launch of competing products, including the increase of sales activities by competitors that also influence the investment products offered by SOLVIUM. These factors can result in uncertainties or cause events to occur that mean the actual results appear to differ significantly from current forecasts, to the detriment of the investor. If these uncertainties occur or the assumptions on which statements are based prove to be inaccurate, actual results could differ substantially from the results stated or implied in these statements.
SOLVIUM does not intend or undertake to update forward-looking statements on an ongoing basis, as these are entirely dependent on the circumstances on the day they are published.
If SOLVIUM reproduces information, data or estimates by third parties, it will cite the relevant sources. SOLVIUM cannot guarantee that the information is correct or complete.
If a consumer has entered into a distance financial services contract with Solvium, in the event of disputes arising from the application of provisions of the Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (German Civil Code – BGB) regarding distance contracts for financial services, the consumer can file an appeal with a recognised consumer arbitration board, without prejudice to the consumer’s right to bring the matter before the courts. An up-to-date list of recognised consumer arbitration boards can be downloaded on the Federal Office of Justice website
Recognised consumer arbitration boards are present are:
1. The German government’s General Conciliation Body (Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes) – Zentrum für Schlichtung e. V., Straßburger Strasse 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, tel.: 07851/795 79 40, fax: 07851/795 79 41, e-mail:
Access requirements are based on the rules of procedure of the German government’s General Conciliation Body – Zentrum für Schlichtung e. V. and can be found and accessed at
2. Out-of-court dispute resolution entity for consumers and entrepreneurs (Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegungsstelle für Verbraucher und Unternehmer e. V.), Hohe Strasse 11, 04107 Leipzig, tel.: 0341/56116370, fax: 0341/56116371, e-mail:
Access requirements are based on the rules of procedure of the Out-of-court dispute resolution entity for consumers and entrepreneurs (Außergerichtlichen Streitbeilegungsstelle für Verbraucher und Unternehmer e. V.), and can be found and accessed at
If no recognised consumer arbitration board is responsible, investors can involve the Arbitration Board at the Deutsche Bundesbank:
Deutsche Bundesbank – Arbitration Board, PO box 10 06 02, 60006 Frankfurt am Main, tel: +49 69 9566-3232, fax: +49 69 709090-9901, e-mail:
Access requirements for this arbitration board are based on the German Regulation on Financial Dispute Resolution Entities (Finanzschlichtungsstellenverordnung), which can be found and accessed at
In addition, Solvium is not obliged to participate in an extrajudicial dispute resolution procedure for consumers, nor is it prepared to participate in an extrajudicial dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
The EU platform for online dispute resolution of disputes under consumer law can be found at
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