Hamburg, 15 April 2023. Under the motto: "We understood and are becoming sustainable", Solvium Holding AG has issued a sustainability report. Solvium is one of the first companies in the real asset investment sector to present such a report, which is geared to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The company sees itself as an actively shaping part of the economy and society. The declared goal is to make a sustainable contribution to a fairer and cleaner world as a medium-sized company.
In 2021, employees and board members almost simultaneously suggested thinking about strategies for more sustainability in the company. Shortly thereafter, the company launched a sustainability process aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the EU taxonomy with its ESG criteria. In the same year, Solvium was accepted as a member of the German Sustainable Investment Forum (Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen - FNG). The sustainability report now prepared is the basis for the German Sustainability Code (GSC) checklist for non-financial reporting (CSR Directive Implementation Act - CSR-RUG). Solvium will update this report annually and report on status and progress.
In 2022, Solvium Group began to align the company with society's increased requirements for sustainable and responsible business. In order to be prepared for future legal requirements at an early stage, various data in the area of CSR have already been and are being collected and gradually integrated into risk management.
André Wreth, CMO of Solvium Holding AG: "All of us, board members and employees, have understood that there is more to CSR than just buying recycled paper and green electricity, as it is sometimes derisively called. Because our working world is also part of the world we live in and we have to make sure that we deal with each other in a sustainable, fair and responsible way. What we live inside, we also carry outside: We have added the pillar "sustainability" to our investment concept consisting of the three pillars "return, security and availability" in order to comply with our own moral and ethical as well as legal requirements. Wherever possible, we want to give equal priority to economy and ecology in the future."
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About Solvium Holding AG
The Solvium Group is a provider and manager of sound and innovative investments for private and professional investors in the logistics sector and is an international asset manager in this field. Solvium invests in lucrative equipment such as standard containers, standard tank containers, swap bodies and freight wagons used in the international movement of goods by rail, road and the world's oceans. In its investment products, Solvium favors tangible asset investments with short and medium terms and takes care to make the risks controllable when managing the assets. The company thus offers investors the opportunity to profit from the steadily growing logistics and transport market.
Solvium has an impeccable track record since its foundation in 2011. The company manages around 20,000 closed contracts in Germany and has invested more than 500 million Euros in investment capital to date. All rent, interest and repayments, now more than 300 million Euros, have been made on schedule and on time. Currently, the group manages assets worth more than 300 million Euros.
The group of companies includes the container manager Noble Container Leasing Ltd. with locations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai and Seoul, among others - one of the leading intra-Asian rental companies for containers - and Axis Intermodal Deutschland GmbH, Europe's largest rental company for swap bodies.
Important notes
This press release is considered a marketing communication and is for information purposes only. It does not claim to be complete. It does not constitute investment advice, investment recommendation/financial analysis or an offer to purchase an investment product.